Instantly review public record information submitted to Companies House. Unlock the Credit Report for detailed risk analysis based on financial performance and negative events.
Companies House Data FREE TO VIEW
- Summary Company Type, Company Status, Date of Incorporation, Nature of business (SIC), Date of latest Accounts, Date of latest Annual Return.
Directors Current directors and company secretary details as listed at Companies House. Click through to the Director report to see how a director's other company interests are performing.
Mortgages and Charges Review the combined value of all satisfied and outstanding loans recorded at Companies House. Analyse further by type, date, status and who the debt is owed.
Credit Report UNLOCK TO VIEW
This section includes data surrounding risk of insolvency and ability to pay on time. Credit data is calculated using analytical algorithms and updated on a daily basis. Payment data is supplied by third parties.
Credit Risk Score Ranked from 1 to 100, the score indicates the likelihood that a business will become insolvent within the year. We continuously monitor for risk related events and update you whenever there’s a change. See more on factors influencing a companies' risk score.
Credit Limit The recommended credit limit ensures credit terms can be agreed with confidence. Calculated by analysing annual financial records and live events, the credit limit is adjusted whenever the company’s ability to pay comes into question.
County Court Judgements Review total sum of debts owed, alongside dates and values of any paid or unpaid CCJs registered against a company within the last 6 years. Judgements refer to a debt settled via court and have a substantial impact on the company's credit rating.
Key Factors Understand the key events that contribute to a company's current credit status. From financial and industry analysis to director and group performance, understanding the methods used to calculate risk ensures you can make informed decisions with confidence.
Director & Secretary Timeline Understand the people behind the business. Visualising current and historic appointments, the timeline gives a quick overview, while the full breakdown includes the role of individuals within the company, how long they’ve been involved in the business and appointments at other companies.
Shareholders Find out who has invested in a company. Review the top shareholders including name, capital, share value, type and % ownership.
Structure Using data extracted from a company's Annual Returns, understand where this company sits within the group structure. Includes name and address of the ultimate holding company (parent) and all subsidiaries.
Event History A timeline of key events going back to incorporation. The event history pinpoints newsworthy updates including change of name, director appointments and Companies House document filings.
We digitise the figures from official Companies House documents (see below) to give you instant access to financial figures in easy to read desktop format. You can also download year on year figures with one click.
Key Financials Free graphed key financials including Cast at bank, Net Worth, Assets and Liabilities.
Digitised Accounts Table Login for an easy to view table of the last 5 years accounts.
CSV exports Download the financials table to a CSV and use the exports for internal systems, analysis, marketing and more.
Instantly access scanned copies of all official documents filed at Companies House including Annual Returns, Accounts, Director appointments and resignations, registered office changes, strike off actions, administration and liquidation events, charges and more.
- All downloads are stored in your account
- 5 downloads = Free, then £2 per document
- 100 downloads = included in Lite membership
- 1000 downloads = included in Pro membership
- Unlimited downloads = included in Enterprise membership
- Contact Information Telephone, Email Address, Website, Contact Person, Business Description as supplied by owner, Products & Services
- Address and premises Registered office address per Companies House and trading addresses located via reputable third party investigations.
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